What Kind Of Exercise Will My Dog Have And Can They Be Off Leash While Staying At Your Kennel?
How often will you exercise my dogs and can they be off leash?
We find that all dogs love and thrive with exercise so, unless requested for specific exercise or otherwise directed, ALL dogs are individually walked 2-3x per day year round, customized to their own fitness level, athletic aptitude and emotional needs. For example some dogs with physical limitations like old age, arthritis, ACL issues or hip dysplasia are taken for shorter careful, often times supported walkabouts, while for others, we have been known to throw a frisbee or a ball for an hour - uphill! In the heat of the summer we prefer the cooler forest and creekside trails, while during the big snowy winters we tend to stay to plowed trails (allowing any snow diving shinanigans off track of course!) We have endless options for countrified walks, play and hiking and will do our best to match each dog with every walk, every day, all weather, in every season, all year round.
As for walking dogs off leash...we are located in beautiful 'open' countryside amid forests, pastures, creeks and lakes as well as being surrounded by our beloved sheep and endless crown land, so…if your dog has an excellent recall ability we would be happy to trust them off leash during their walks! First, we will walk them on a long leash to check if their recall is excellent to us specifically (us, as opposed to you). Next we'll test them off leash in a safely fenced area. Then, all being well, they can play and hike off leash and we will love that!
If you would like some socializing on your dog's hikes, we are happy to have our own soft hearted, non-confrontational little mascot Rekka (as seen on the home page),join us while walking your dog. As a working sheep herding dog, Rekka is a very well trained, obedient dog and rest assured, we do have an instant 'off' and recall with her!